The two crucial people who created this magical place are the anthropologist and curator Breda Spacapan (SLO) and the photographer and filmmaker Misa Keskenovic (SRB).
After years of research and practice of historical photographic techniques such as cyanotype, Van Dyke Brown, wet collodion, gelatin with silver salts, ambrotypes and salt paper, they decided to form an association with the aim of educating and spreading to the common people and professionals , these techniques. The main mission is to preserve and nurture the skills and knowledge of these historical processes but also to find and explore new creative ways in which they can be applied. The synergy between the knowledge of Misa and Breda has created an innovative and simple approach to the education of photographers who are looking for a more direct contact with photography but also in search of the most contemplative one, where one enters in a metaphysical sphere of photography to discover its deeper meaning.
We are pleased to start a collaboration with Artotipija and to create a new content with the idea of entering ever more into 'photographic art.